Instant Pot-Pourri (Deodorizer)
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
  1. Turn on the Instant Pot to SLOW COOK mode
  2. Fill the Instant Pot steel liner with 4-6 cups water
  3. Add the cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg to the water and gently stir
  4. For a Fall Scent, Add sliced orange and bay leaves
  5. If there is not enough water after a few hours, you may add more water if you want to keep deodorizing your home
For a “Fall or Autumn” Scent Add:
1 large sliced orange
5-6 bay leaves

Lemon Fresh Scent Deodorizer:
4-6 cups water
1-2 lemons sliced
2-3 drops vanilla extract
3-4 sprigs fresh rosemary
Recipe by Instapottin' With Poonam at