Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Serves: 4
  • 1 cup oatmeal (your preference-we used steel cut)
  • 1 cup milk (you may use soy, almond, coconut or whichever you please)
  • 2 cups water (if using steel cut oats) -or- 1 ⅔ cups water (if using quick oats)
  • Steel or glass bowl which will fit in the InstantPot and also not crack
  1. Place the stand in the InstantPot which came with it
  2. Place the bowl in the InstantPot
  3. Add oats to the bowl
  4. Add water and milk
  5. Add cinnamon/sugar and raisins
  6. Stir until everything is mixed well
  7. Place lid on pot and lock
  8. Turn valve on lid to CLOSE VENT
  9. Set pot to MANUAL mode
  10. Set to HIGH PRESSURE
  11. Set timer to 3 minutes
  12. Once timer goes off, allow the steam to release naturally (NPR) until the silver prong on the lid drops
  13. Open the lid
  14. Stir well and serve!
  15. The oatmeal will become less runny as it sits
Vegan Variation: Use a non dairy based milk (almond, soy, coconut)

Garnish or serve with your favorite toppings:
Cinnamon, fruit, honey, nuts, granola, etc
Recipe by Instapottin' With Poonam at https://www.instapottinwithpoonam.com/oatmeal/